At Last, Dentures That Don’t Slip
Implant Supported Dentures Offer Reliability
Compare Implant Supported Dentures
to Standard Ones
Implant Supported Dentures
- Stable and reliable
- No adhesives required
- Feel like natural teeth
- Won’t irritate gums
- Protect jawbone health
- Cutting-edge solution
- Cover the gums only
- Allow you to eat the foods you love

Traditional Dentures
- Prone to slippage
- Require adhesives
- Feel like a dental appliance
- Can irritate gums
- Allow jawbone deterioration
- Dated technology
- Cover the entire hard palate
- Force you to be choosier with your diet
What Exactly Are Implant Supported Dentures?
Implant supported dentures are made from a prosthetic denture that’s anchored in place using several dental implant posts. Using his groundbreaking nSequence guided implant surgery technology, Dr. Leavitt can pre-plan the placement for a precise fit and exceptional esthetics. The dental implant posts are positioned strategically to give the prosthesis the firmest hold—sparing you those embarrassing moments when your dentures slip during a personal or professional conversation. Implant supported dentures can be either fixed or removable depending on your preferences and specific situation. Neither kind requires those messy adhesives! Dr. Leavitt would love the opportunity to discuss all of your options with you during a personalized consultation here in our office.
Dr. Leavitt Talks About Implant Supported Dentures
Let’s See If You’re a Candidate
A consultation is where we can determine whether you meet the criteria for implant supported dentures. Though that one-on-one conversation is the best place to establish your candidacy, you can be sure Dr. Leavitt will consider issues such as whether you:
- Are missing a full arch or a row of teeth
- Already have dentures and aren’t happy with them
- Have the bone density to receive implants in your jaw
- Are able to undergo a bone grafting procedure to restore your jawbone mass, if needed
- Are in good enough health to receive IV sedation for your surgery